
Sinton Park

Adventure Location: Sinton, TX
Adventure Date: 1/06/2019
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The Teams were itching to get our somewhere and move around. Fishing does not get us much exercise of an aerobic nature. One Team member suggested the Sinton Tx city park again. Good Idea we all chimed in. And off we went.

We got Sierra parked near the necessity building. A golf club was grabbed along with one golf ball. The idea was to hit the golf ball and chase it around the park. That way we could get some upper torso exercise also. It worked out really well. Here is a picture of a representative park of the huge park. We were the only folks in this part of the park today. Notice where the trail starts in the picture.

As we made our way around this portion of the park thwacking along the golf ball, we came upon this tree trunk left from Hurricane Harvey over a year ago. Notice the grass still growing in some dirt pulled up with the tree trunk. We wonder how long it will survive growing like that,

When the OFM tired of thwacking a golf ball around we returned to Sierra to store the golf equipment.  The OFM Trail Walking Shoes told us they wanted to go on the old trail we used to walk a lot when we camped in this park years ago.

 Great. So off we went. When we crossed the fence into the “wilder” part of the park, the Shoes got real happy. We set up to a good pace and maintained it until past the pond entry and around to the end of the paved trail. The grass after that point was over waist high and the OFM was a wimp so we turned around. Here is the picture just after we turned around.

Then it was a retrace of our route back to Sierra. The best we could figure on Google Maps is that we made about two miles of great walking today. It was extremely pleasant in the 70+ temperature.

The park visit was a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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