
Onto The Beach

Adventure Location: Mustang Island State Park, TX
Adventure Report Date: 1/11/2019
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 With the OFM’s agreement the Teams for the north beach entrance a few tire rolls away on the other side of the dunes.

The OFM made Sierra be cautious in approaching the entrance since the sand looked trecherous. The only tire tracks in the sand appeared to be the beach patrol truck of the State Park and they were deep. Sierra rolled a few feet onto the soft sand and the OFM looked at the rest of the route to the wet sand. Hmmmm about 75 feet and real loose.  Hmmm. That part close to the barrier on the right seems to be a lot less deep and undisturbed.

OK we backed off a little ways and got up some headway to help get through the sand without adding throttle to the back tires. And ZIP we went on through like it was paved. But we did not stop rolling until we got to our parking spot near the jetty. Once we hit the wet sand it was smooth rolling and the OFM was so elated that we forgot to stop and take a couple of pictures.

However when our meander took us back to this spot he did take a couple of pictures. In the interim time several vehicles came onto the beach for a quick look. Both coming and going they really tore the entry sand into a fluffy mess. These next two pictures were taken on our way out. 

Here is what we had for company at the beach this day. That is Sierra way down the beach on the left waiting for our return.

Here is the recon picture as the OFM checked out our ability to leave later. Our incoming tracks are the ones on the far left in this picture. The rest of the deep ruts are where the fools fluffed the sand up playing while we were meandering.

It certainly looked like it will be  good bit more difficult getting out. It was definitely more exciting as we will relate later.

Back to our adventure. Sierra chose a great parking spot right near the necessity facilities. When The OFM Beachcombing Team started the meander, the first interesting item we saw was a toadstool of all things. A five inch diameter toadstool in a saltwater sand dune was a first for the OFM Teams.

We also surveyed the beach to see where to begin. The day was so incredibly nice it was hard to choose which direction to take first. The Jetty was getting a little wave action so we chose the area along the dunes as the first direction.

We headed south near the dunes and were reacquainted with a phenomena we discovered years ago and had forgotten all about. The beach is a great place for WIND SCULPTURES.

And we are now 3 pages into this blog entry and plenty of adventures to go.  We will continue tomorrow with the dune meandering part of the adventure of trying to have tooooo much fun at the beach.

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