
2019 Starts Very Well

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
Adventure Date: 1/01/2019
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The new year started with a loud bang. Actually a whole lot of loud bangs. Between the fireworks and the gun fire the Teams did not get to sleep until around 1 am this morning. 

By 1030 this morning we had the laundry done and put away. It certainly is nice having the laundry room about fifty feet away, instead of loading it in a vehicle and taking it 8 miles away to a public laundry.

When it was warmer and nicer yesterday, the OFM went fishing and caught three speckled trout as reported yesterday. The best part of that trip was seeing the old public aquarium foundation being put to good use. These two kids were having a blast skating in this not traffic location. The young lady stopped for a couple of minutes to talk fishing with the OFM. She was very pleasant.

The OFM had some new toys come in vis Fedex yesterday. They got delayed by the shipping companies but he was really glad to get the toys in anyway. It is a 72 pencil set of Prismacolor pencils. The plan is to have tooooo much fun with them.

The OFM got busy today and organized the colored pencils and then created a color chart so that he could tell the real hue of each pencil. The color that it appears on the lead and coating never seems to quite match what shows up when it is applied to paper. So he always has to make a chart like this one.

Now all he needs to do is do some art work attempts.

However the first thing on the list for tomorrow is heading to the grocery store to stock up on stoup fixings and other food items. He seems to be having fun fixing all sorts of things lately. Between the art, cooking and fishing he ought to have a busy day of trying to have tooooo much fun. 

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