
No Excitement

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
Adventure Report Date: 1/21/2019
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The OFM was planning on not typing a blog tonight but his fingers swelled up and were about to burst with all this boring information in them. So he had to write just to save his fingers.

It was about 1000 when the Teams got the OFM out for some exercise at the Beach Park. Walking was the plan. Sierra got stopped and parked at the far end of the parking lot near the Allegro Channel. There is a lot of uneven but not rough sandy area there to give leg muscles a bit of a work out. So out across the grass and sand we went.

 The bulkhead around the Saltwater Pool got in our way so the OFM decided to walk the narrow (for a wobbler like him) top of the bulkhead. He was doing fairly good and the water next to us was only about two feet deep. We noticed that a lot of concrete is breaking off the top of the wall since Hurricane Harvey came through. That is not good news.

The gazebo repair work nearby is slowly moving along. Today they had a small crane helping to set the rafters in place. Apparently it went well because the crane was soon gone to its next project. The workers then were busy banging things and yelling to each other. We hope it goes well for them.

The Teams joined up and talked the OFM to get off the top of the bulkhead as we got near the deeper water of the Allegro Channel. He resisted but we convinced him with a big rock to behave and move over onto the safer sand path.  The water was really clear today as you can see in this picture.

The water is about six feet deep at the bottom of the picture and the darker area at the top is where the sand slopes off into the channel. The important thing a fisherfolk will notice is the total lack of bait fish in the water. apparently we need the water to warm up a couple of degrees to bring the critters back into the bay waters.

We reached the Allegro Channel Jetty breakwater safely in spite of the OFM. As we walked out on the breakwater, the OFM was carefully studying the bottom structure to decide where to fish when the fish arrive back in the area. Then we headed back to the parking lot, or we thought we were going back at this time.

We got about halfway back to the main land area and ended up talking with some really nice folks from Minnesota for nearly an hour. WOW that was fun.

We started on back again and at the point where the breakwater meets the land it happened again. A very nice couple from Iowa asked a question and another half hour disappeared. It was great.

The Teams made it back to Sierra this time. After starting the engine we noticed it was nearly 1400 and the OFM needed to be fed. 

And after some food was implanted in his enormous stomach we headed back to the Castle where our last incoming mail was waiting for us.

The day was beautiful, cool, a bit breezy and very sunny. Put this all together and it was a wonderful day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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