
Boondocking in Rockport

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
Adventure Report Date: 1/15/2019
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We really did not plan on boondocking while here in Rockport, Texas. However around 1745 this afternoon the 120 volt power gave up the ghost for a large section of the surrounding neighborhood. The Castle just switched to boondocking mode and the Teams carried on like nothing had happened. Some of the camper neighbors were concerned and running around trying to figure out what to do. 

The OFM actually just washed part of the Castle in the rain with his soft brush for fiberglas. Then he went in and checked the internet for the extent of the outage. AEP said that about 3000 places were without power. So what did the OFM do. He climbed into Sierra and had a nice supper of chicken tacos. That ought to make him sleep well tonight.

When we returned the power was back on and the OFM Teams had not missed a beat. That was about the most exciting thing in two days except for the naps.

Tonight we noticed that BillyBob had finally posted again. It has been about a year since the last post. He is 77 now.

That is about all the excitement around here for the last few days. The OFM says he is finally rested from the beach adventure. As soon as the bad weather cold and rain lets up he is ready to get out running around trying to have tooooo much fun again.

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