
Great Memories

Adventure Location: Goose Island SP, TX
Adventure Report Date: 1/23/2019
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This trail is a nice less than a mile walking trail through some old trees and brush. A lot of this growth and definitely many of the trees have been here over a hundred years. Our plan was to see the neat old trees along this trail.

Turk's Cap Trail

The trail is a developed trail and is on the upper left of the park. The little people hiking and red dots show the route of the trail. On google from start to finish and back to Sierra was just short of a mile. We got major surprises with all the extras we saw beside ancient trees.

The trail starts pleasantly and mostly stays just like in this photo for the whole way to the end at the bird watching station. We started at the parking lot shown at the top of the map. 

When we got to the end, the return route along Warbler Way was chosen since it went right by a necessities building. The campground along that road was full of Canadians and Minnesota folks.

The first of the huge number of large oaks is close to the start of the trail. It is a massive tree that just begs to be photographed. Naturally the OFM obliged.

We need to add that there was lots of colorful leaves and other neat things along the trail that was not expected. The OFM had not walked this trail in about 25 years. 

There are benches every now and then along the way. However this was the only bench under another old tree canopy.  There were no footprints on the trail this day. We guessed the recent rains had cleaned the prints of folks away. The OFM sat for a few minutes on this first bench and fiddled with his camera settings. Then he was happy and away we meandered.

After crossing the slightly wet portion of the trail we entered a tunnel of trees. All along the trail were downed or partially downed trees of all sorts. We hope to make it back when the trees are all leafed out to enjoy again this tunnel of trees.

There was so much other neat things to notice that the meandering really went slowly and was fun. The new header picture is one of the many colorful pictures take today.  

Somewhere along the way a tree critter took a close look at us. We do not know its name but that long necked critter with the topknot certainly gave us a good looking at.

Ok this leaves us a lot more to talk about for another blog entry. It is a wonderful State Park for riding bicycles and walking. A favorite wonderful memory of the OFM was when his son was about 3, they did some walking around in this park. His son is now 39. Great memories live here.

Yep we got very close to having tooooo much fun.

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