
Planning Spreadsheet Gone

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
Adventure Report Date: 1/24/2019
Click a picture to enlarge it.

The thought hit the OFM in the side of the head like a big pot. KAPOW. The large pot that the Teams has had for years has not been used in years. Watch this MsB, this is how to do it. The OFM reached down into the depths of the cabinet under the sink and dragged the pot out. Look at all that dust. Yep is has obviously not been used for several desert trips. It is time to go RIGHT NOW.

After the picture, the pot was taken to the FREE table at this RV Park. Where it went after that we have no idea but it is no longer loading the Castle with extra weight and dust collecting. 

As we get ready to roll on 1-30 it would come as no surprise if more things crawl over to the FREE table. The batwing TV antenna has been under scrutiny today since we have not used it in at least four years. If the weather is nice, it may vacate the premises also. That would be good to not have it vibrating on the roof as we roll down the road or wind storms hit us in the camp grounds.

Another change happened today that was a great success. The OFM made a spreadsheet a few years ago showing when to be in several cities areas.  We had found it to have some flaws in our entries and needed to be updated. That is a lot of work. As the OFM started to gathering the latest data he had a brain burp and came up with a better system. The town is listed on the left side and across the page is listed the months when the average temperature in the town is not below 50F or above 85F.  The 2-3 weeks each side of the listed month could easily have temps almost inside the criteria. That will take a judgment call as to whether to try being there in the nearby months.

This morning it was very cool inside the Castle. The electric  heater was running on the very low setting that is usually enough. ??????? A look outside at the heavily frosted grass gave us the answer. The temperature here in the campground got lower that the expected 48F. In a few minutes the Castle was warm again and the day turned out bright and sunny with a high of 64F.

On the way to do a bit of fishing the Teams grabbed this picture of Aransas Bay about a mile from the Castle.

Lots was accomplished today along with our efforts at trying to have tooooo much fun.

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