
Nothing Happened

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
Adventure Date: 1/08/2019
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Morning arrived way too soon but the OFM made the effort and breakfast was served. Then it was off to the grocery for a few things. Stopping at the fishing hole on the way back to the Castle did not get us any fish caught. But we were making progress on a day toward our ultimate goal.

A trip over to Aransas Pass for lunch  netted us a Whataburger fish sandwich which was very good. then back around the corner to Walmart and a gas injection for Sierra. Sometimes trucks like to have lunch also.

We noted while in Aransas Pass that the day was nice and warm. The sun was bright and the skies mostly a nice blue. The long sleeve tee shirt the OFM had on was a bit much. Later back at the Castle he swapped to a short sleeve shirt but it was still warm for what the day was giving us.

We headed to the Rockport Beach Park and the wooden fishing pier. As we started out on the pier, the OFM glanced at the water and saw a good looking fishing lure tangled in the grasses and algae at the foot of the pier. He stopped and went to work on snagging the lure. After several tries we had a successful adventure. Some clean up was done for this next picture.

It is a Top Dog Jr. top water fishing lure. The rusted hooks were changed and the lure cleaned up. It is now in a tackle box ready for action tomorrow.

When the Teams got finished catching nothing at the pier we headed to the bird sanctuary area. The day was great and some folks were out enjoying the sun and sand. As you can see there were a few bikinis scattered around to enhance the view.

As you can see, really nothing special happened but we had a great time trying to have tooooo much fun.

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