

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
Adventure Date: 12/5/2018
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The paper, scissors, tape and the OFM were flying around inside the Castle. Snip here. Tape there. Trim a bit. Man o Man the present wrapping was in full swing. Sweat was slinging and brow was dripping as the work was intense. By1300 hours the wrapping was done.

No rest for the weary you know. The Christmas cards hit the table with the pen and stamps. The slow speed of the ink flow from the ball point pen was the slowest item in the work crew. Soon the cards were all ready to mail.

A thirty second rest break and then it was all loaded into Sierra and Sierra groaned from the load. But it was down to the shipping place to get it all on the road to north Alabama. Mission accomplished and it was time to clear the mess from the Castle.

Boxes were broken down. Scraps of wrapping paper were gathered and bagged. Sweat puddles were cleaned up. And soon we had what seemed like another 347 square feet of room in the Castle. The trip to the dumpster required 59 round trips with Sierra to haul it all away (it seemed like that much anyway).

And finally it was time to relax, calm down and feel the stress evaporate away. Wow that is a good feeling. We are definitely ready for some peace and calm.


Now we can gently work on trying to have tooooo much fun again.

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