
Great Day

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
Adventure Date: 12/22/2018
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It was an eventful day but we will stick with the nice parts of the day. The Teams got out and meandered in style for part of the day. The day was 72 and bright sun with a gentle to strong breeze. Just wonderful all around. A mid afternoon meander down to the Rockport Beach showed us that lots of folks were enjoying the great winter day.

We grabbed pictures from the road so as to not intrude in the folks enjoyment of the beautiful weather. This first couple were sitting in the warm sand with a bit of a wrap against the slight chill of the breeze. It must have been nice since they were still there 30 minutes later when the Teams came back past them.

Another good shot came when two palm trees framed a couple and their puppy out on the pier near the end. They also stayed awhile enjoying the sunshine.

At another location these folks and a puppy were setting up for a bit of a longer stay it looked like. A lot of new folks arrived in town in the last few days from the snow country and are taking great advantage of the sunshine. We think these were in the truck with the Kansas plates. We welcome all the friendly folks we can get down here.

A couple of weeks ago the OFM wrote of the walk to the end of a breakwater that ended up giving him a sprained ankle. Well the wave action today would have wetted him down pretty well if he had gone back out there. These splashes were likely only about five feet high but fun to watch anyway.

Then to really top off a first class day the OFM slopped together a salad of first class culinary art for supper.

Two kinds of chicken, pickles, small tomatoes, lettuce, shredded carrots, toadstool pieces and creamy poppyseed dressing made a wonderful experience at the supper table.

For those with National Park plans the shut down has started causing difficulties at our first planned parks of Amistad, Big Bend and the Guadalupes. So check the internet sites of the places you might plan on going so you will be ready for the difficulties the shutdown will cause. The one under Obama caught us not properly prepared a few years ago and now the Teams used that as a very good lesson learned for our future travels.

As you can see it was a wonderful day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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