
Final Delights

Adventure Location: Mustang Island SP, TX
Adventure Date: 12/20/2018
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The final delights from the trip to Mustang Island State Park are ready to show. After the jetty meandering and the dune meandering we headed down along the beach between the water line and the start of the dunes. It produced some small in size items we did not expect.

The first surprise was a yellow flower blooming right out there near the water line. We figured that a flower that determined needed some appreciation for its efforts.

The next small joy we came upon was this small wind sculpture with dried vegetation on it. It looked  like a large dune but in reality was only about six inches high.

My o my it was our lucky day. Just laying out there in the open was a fishing spoon. It had some rotting line tied on it but no hook. No matter the OFM gathered it in and cut the rotted line off the spoon. Then it was rinsed in the shore water. This is good enough to paint and use was the thought. So we laid it back on the sand to photograph it as was. When we get it cleaned up it will get a starring spot in this blog, especially if it catches a fish.

The pickings were slim on this day but we found one more wind sculpture. It is much more complex of a wind sculpture than most of them. It was about four inches tall with lots of small details of wind etching. The OFM thought it was a cutie so a picture was taken.

And that was all the “finds” we had for this day. We hope more days will follow. Today we requested to extend our stay at this campground into January. We feel that there is still too much to do in the time we had left. There is a lot of trying to have tooooo much fun left down on the beaches that we need to use up while it is not HOT.

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