
Testing Complete

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
Adventure Date: 12/30/2018
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The morning sun did not show up and the wind chill was wet and cold. The OFM took the Photo Team out for some picture taking. It was hard for him to quit shaking long enough to take a picture but we did take a few. The cold wind got to the Photo Teams and we went back to the Castle to warm up.

We were out and about doing little things today but the chilled wet air was not comfortable. After lunch the OFM messed with the computer for a good time. Then we noticed the winds had calmed. When he stepped outside to check the weather, he announced it was time to go try out the new reel.

All he needed was a light windbreaker. By late afternoon most of the wind was gone and the temperature was into the mid-fifties. That is a nicely workable temperature.

The reel testing went good or bad depending on your view point. The reel worked very well and seemed to be a good buy. The OFM’s fingers did not work so well. A baitcaster reel needs more hand action than a spinning reel. The OFM hand, especially his fingers, do not have near the dexterity required by the baitcaster. So after wiping the reel clean and repackaging it, we went back to Walmart to return it. As usual Walmart took it back with no complaint at all. So that test came out well even thought it proved the OFM has no business with baitcaster reels anymore.

The weather forecast for the next few days looks lovely so we have big plans for trips to try to have tooooo much fun at the beaches.

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