
Back Ache Prevention

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
Adventure Date: 12/27/2018
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The last two days have been a frenzy of activity. This morning the OFM woke up to the thought that we should try out the five new lures he gave himself for Christmas. So we did. The morning weather was dingy and it had rained a bit over night.

However by 1100 it was bright sun with gentle winds but no fish. The OFM stayed at the fishing almost all day and failed to grab a picture of the beautiful warm sunny weather. But he did wear out some water molecules with all the lure retrieving he did.

He was so tired out by 1600 that when he laid down to stretch his lower back, KAPOW he was asleep. The campground owner woke him a little later returning the pie knife from the Christmas day gathering. Her and her husband are really great owners/managers of this campground. Give The Quiet One RV Park a call if you need a spot. they have some nice spots available.

Back hurts from fishing? Yep the aged old lower back of the OFM gets difficult from all the casting that lure fishing requires IF the rod is too long. As it works out a 7 foot rod is too long for the OFM but perfect for the fishing. But it does cause pain if he uses a 7 foot rod for more than a couple of hours. This is the end of the third time experimenting and the pain was too much. So the grinding wheel came out and the top 5 inches of rod went away. Now it is a little stiffer and should handle the 3/4 ounce class lures better. There is a good chance the OFM will need to purchase a 6‘-6“ rod for the 1/4 ounce lure class. Well it is Christmas time so toys need to be purchased,right.

Could it be possible that the OFM actually likes fishing as a way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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