
Fish Pass Jetties

Adventure Location: Mustang Island SP, TX
Adventure Date: 12/19/2018
Click a picture to enlarge it.

Today the OFM awoke after 11(ELEVEN) straight hours of dead to the world sleep. Can you believe it? We can’t but it happened. WOW. On top of that the day was beautiful blue skies and lower seventies for temps. Can’t be better.

Back to the continuation of the Mustang Island Adventure.

After leaving the jetty the Teams headed back to the Whataburger to find it nearly empty. A great burger was eaten and we were off to the State Park and Fish Pass Jetties area. In the past the jetties area has been the best spot for beach combing due to the currents offshore. The last year has not been as good for beach combing in this area. We are guessing that Hurricane Harvey changed the bottom contours and now we have to find the next location for great beach combing.

However the Fish Pass location is still an excellent fishing section of Texas. You can fish out on the rocks or wade the surf. There are fish to be caught year round here.

We wobbled our way out onto the jetty to fish. The OFM was extra careful on the slimy rocks and did not fall. After just a little fishing he decided that out on the rocks was not where he wanted to be. So we wobbled our way back to the sand. The sand hurts a lot less than the sharp granite rocks when you fall.

Look carefully at the jetty in the picture above and you can pick out a few folks catching fish out there. As we were messing around on the beach between the jetties, a fellow from the south jetty came along with a 25“ speckled trout he had caught. He had been over there about a half hour but had to leave and head for an appointment or he would have stayed for more fish catching. That was a very fat fish too.

The day was so pretty  the OFM spent a lot of time just wandering the dunes looking for special things to report upon. That will happen tomorrow night. We also did a lot of looking at the wave patterns to try to determine what the bottom change had been and where the best place for surf fishing would be.

The day was so pretty that the Teams even went back into the dunes a nice distance just meanderthalling around. We did not find anything special. We did notice that a lot of debris and stuff that used to be back in the dunes was no longer in evidence. We guess the hurricane flooding washed it to some where else. Tomorrow night we will report on the little bit of things we found of interest.

Perhaps we need to try our luck down on Padre Island National Seashore for more beachcombing treasures. At least it is a good place for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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