
Turtle and Mile Markers

 Adventure Location:Decatur, Al.
Adventure Date:August 10, 2018
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On the dedicated exercise trails throughout the park there is mileage markers about every quarter mile. Some times in the Teams meanderings we found it nice to know how far we had meandered in relation to our water supply. Here is a picture of one of them. It happens to be the one mile marker on a frequent trail we use.

When that marker shows up we know that the turn around point for us is not too far. Notice the woods are fairly thick on the sides of the trail. That means we seldom have significant wind along the trail. In the hot weather you need to be off the trail by about 0930 to prevent heat trouble.

Sometimes we find things that seem neat to us. In this creek marsh of sluggish water we saw this small turtle on a log all by itself. It did not seem to be bothered by the OFM flopping around in the underbrush trying to get a picture. This was cropped from a maximum range telephoto picture the OFM took. It was amazing that the turtle just stayed there in spite of all the racket the OFM made.

And on the way back to the Castle a stand of red crepe myrtle trees or whatever they are were blooming nicely. So the OFM worked his magic and got a nice picture to grace the blog pages tonight.

We are due back in Rockport, Tx to a confirmed camping spot on October 1. We will be hitting up the eye doctor to find out whats up with the OFM’s left eye. We are planning on being there until New Years Day. What happens after then is anybody’s guess. 

Now we need to go get rested for tomorrow. We only had two naps today and we need the rest for getting out tomorrow and trying to have tooooo much fun.

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