
Big Splash

 Adventure Location:Decatur, Al.
Adventure Date:August 19, 2018
Click a pic to enlarge it.

It was not a day to start with wild excitement. In fact it was so benign we cannot even recall what we did beside a bit of grocery shopping. But after the hamburger in Priceville things changed suddenly.

The OFM headed to the Burger King over there and relaxed while eating his hamburger and then eased out the door toward a fishing area on the road back to the Castle. What he was needing (and we actually mean NEEDED ) was casting accuracy practice. When we get back to Rockport sloppy casting will result in a lot of lost terminal tackle. Yep he proved he needed practice.

But he got lucky also. While cleaning out a tangled line and lure mess, he released the lure down to the water by a floating log. Then started to untangle the knot in the line when with a big splash and a WHAM a bass hit the lure and the fight was on. Landing a fish by hand lining braid is dangerous and can reward you with severe cuts, but the OFM was lucky the small 12 inch bass came up on the pier easily, flopped around and came off the two treble hooks. So the OFM rewarded the good behavior with a gentle shove back into the lake. The rest of the practice session was not interrupted by fish. Then we headed on back home.

When we got home there was an email from a friend with fantastic information we are were needing to help with some longer term and more remote boondocking next spring. Now we feel much more comfortable with the planning/hoping we are doing.

Then while digging through the computers innards for some other long stored information, the OFM ran across the family letters he wrote when he first started full time travel.  They make for some interesting reading. Here is one of the pictures from the first adventures after the OFM left Washington. The Teams and OFM did not exist for another six weeks at that time.

So a bland morning followed by a fulfilling and busy afternoon and evening really made it a good day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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