
Knoggin Knocking

 Adventure Location:Decatur, Al.
Adventure Date:August 14, 2018
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A miserably hot day it was. The temperature hit 92 with 80+ humidity and no breeze most of the time. But the morning walk went well mostly. The OFM had a bit of gimp left from the extended walk yesterday so it was more of a meander walk of only 2 miles this time.

We did notice some of the wild grapes were ripening enough to fall from the vines way up in the trees.

Self Picking Grapes

Most likely there will be lots more in the near future. Some of the home wine makeers need to be out here harvesting grapes like the OFM did in his long ago past.

On our way back to the Castle we hit a stretch of shady meandering. The OFM took off his hat to let his bald head cool even better. One of those evil tall trees took the opportunity to whack him with a pointy seed ball right on his noggin. 

We were thankful the stickers had not hardened completely. Yep the hat went back on his head immediately. No damage was done but he definitely jumped like he had been shocked. It was funny.

Back at the Castle lunch time rolled up close and the OFM decided the best use for a couple of cooked pork chops was some stew of random ingredients.  The participants in the stew turned out to be chopped pork chops, pinto beans, celery, and a “Spanish Rice” package from Knorr. Fresh cracked black pepper of course was needed. In about twenty minutes it was ready for the OFM to chow down and HE DID CHOW DOWN.

Pork Chop Stew

I guess it worked out to be a pretty good day for an OFM trying to have tooooo much fun.

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