
Cancelled Plans

 Adventure Location:Decatur, Al.
Adventure Date:August 21, 2018
Click a pic to enlarge it.

From the minute he rolled out of bed until now it has been a very busy day. The 3.5 mile walk went well and we met a nice lady at our turnaround point. After a short visit we went on our separate ways. Most folks on the morning walk barely acknowledge you went past but this lady was a very pleasant soul and made the morning start well.

During the walk the OFM imagination was working overtime. We have a few pictures that require some real serious visualization we  think. The OFM says nope because he could see the item of interest immediately. 

This one was an ugly critter rising from the brush alongside the trail. Can you see the monster’s eyes just above the round mouth where its  forked  tongue is streaking out to try to capture the OFM.

Other folks get to take pictures of the pretty flowers and butterflies but the OFM Teams get to take pictures of monsters and nasty caterpillars. We do not know the breed of this ugly bug but it certainly did not look like a critter the OFM wanted to sit around and play with for fun and frolicking. 

Then this afternoon the OFM realized he had some boneless chicken chunks defrosting. He checked and they were ready for cooking. So we put on his Chef hat and set him to working. The chicken was cut into large bite size chunks and set to boiling/steaming  while other participants in the stew were prepared. Another Knorr package was found in a cabinet. It was a Broccoli and Cheese mix which sounded good to add to the chicken. The last of our celery(chopped) and two carrots (sliced) were also invited to the feast. Fresh cracked black pepper and garlic powder finished the seasoning. Thirty minutes of slow steaming/barely boiling and it was ready. It made enough for four meals total. Yep is was better than it looked.

And finally. A phone call came in tonight to confirm the new arrangements will work out. What new arrangements? The new on the road date arrangements. September 5 is our new rolling date. We are still heading for Rockport Texas for fishing, beach combing and general messing around until after Christmas. We are planning on making a few short trips during our stay in Rockport to nearby places for additional fun.

It seems that now at 2130 tonight things are finally calming down from all the effort at trying to have tooooo much fun.

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