
Grass Flowers

 Adventure Location:Decatur, Al.
Adventure Date:August 6, 2018
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House cleaning was the big excitement for the day. It was definitely time since we had to empty the shop vacuum three times before the effort was complete. We use a shop vac since it has to do duty for Sierra and the Castle.

The day was moseying along just fine until about 1700 when the strong storms came by for a visit. The lightning was very severe which, of course, caused considerable noise.  The rain was moderate but sufficient to wet everything down well. So naturally after the fried pork chop, potato salad and cole slaw supper the OFM whipped up, we had to take a walk around the park. There was not a lot of activity going on now that public school has started.

Over by the creek we did find a bit of grass in bloom to photograph.

Between the heat and the humidity the OFM cannot handle high activity outside during most of the day, so we have been helping him check out places to roll when we leave Decatur. Does anybody think those “plans” have a chance of happening? Maybe we will find somewhere to try having tooooo much fun.

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