
Grandpaing is Hard Work

Adventure Location:Decatur, Al.
Adventure Date:August 26, 2018
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That day of grandkidding certainly did a great job of creating sore muscles and joints on OLD Grampa. Today was an easing along day. A day of relaxing and dreaming of what is next was welcome.

One thing the OFM has been planning on doing for quite a while is to trim an inch and a quarter off his golf clubs.  That would make them fit his short fat squatty body much better. That took about two hours to do. He very meticulously went over the fitting several times to be sure it was the correct amount. There is no putting it back on when a piece is cut off. The deed got done but he was too lazy to hit the golf course to try them out in the 92 degree high humidity weather.

After some more being plain lazy he finally started on a colored pencil picture. That quickly proved to be not fun in colored pencil for him. 

The swap was to watercolor pencils and things went much better and definitely more fun. It is amazing how a painting can start out with an idea. Then by the time it is finished the painting has no resemblance to the original idea. Tonight we get to laugh at Beach Camp Morning.

Beach Camp Morning

It was nice to do some attempted artistic stuff for a change. As you can tell the OFM likes paintings that can be done in one day instead of needing weeks or months to produce a painting.

The best part is painting pictures is a great way of being in the A/C while trying to have tooooo much fun.

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