
Good News for a Change

Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama
Adventure Date: June 05, 2018
Click the picture to enlarge it.

The email came like lots of other junk or scam email. Then another later and another later for three days. So we researched it a bit as best as the Teams could figure out how to research.

You are supposed to print a coupon and take it to the pharmacist when you get your new drug. Well we printed it out since the OFM’s supply of eye drops was on its last drip. Away we went to the local Walmart to get the new one month supply and check out if this offer was a scam or what?

The clerk took a glance at the print out and said it is a real thing. And the coupon was good. In fact they fill a lot of prescriptions using it.

The coupon had a price that was supposed to be near the current real price. The clerk checked and the price was correct. Good grief the OFM thought that is a lot of difference. So we let them fill the order.

After our short 15 minute wait the time of reckoning was upon us. We sure hoped it was still a good coupon. IT WAS. Check this next picture to see the reason. Our price today was the one on the left. The one on the right was what we had been paying every month for the last year.

Now that is the kind of numbers that makes the SSA income feel a lot better. The coupon came from a company named GoodRx.  It seems that you put the drug into the search bar and GoodRx will be one of the results with prices for local druggists on that drug.

This is an totally new to us event. If it continues to work out, it will go a long way toward our efforts at trying to have tooooo much fun.

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