
A Bear in the Woods

Adventure Location: Decatur Alabama
Adventure Date:6/22/2018
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Awoke early this morning to torrential rain pounding the area. Minor street flooding was already well underway by the time we could get the OFM to look out a window.  But the rain quit and it was nicely almost cool outside. The OFM decided it was a chance to practice golf so right after breakfast we hit up the golf practice area. 

About an hour and a half later it got hot enough for the Teams to chase down the air conditioned part of the Castle to cool off.  Then it was off to grandkid present hunting. That kept us busy until well after lunch.

During all the last weeks sick time the OFM had started to attempt to set up some sort of general plan for September and onward. Our sticker for no more cost camping in New Mexico State Parks is good until until the end of April 2019 and we are thinking of making good use of it in the near future. We are wanting to stay in Decatur until at least middle August. We have a couple of months to make up our minds as to what is next.

Back at this campground the OFM was finally well enough to also take a small couple of mile walk but there was very few things to photograph. 
There are some berries growing off in woods. Some critters four legged and two legged have been picking them for food. They are small but plentiful.

While walking along a very heavily used trail along Flint Creek we notice some fungi that had a black bear crawling up the fungi. At least it looked like a black bear at first. The “bear” was only about an inch long but it certainly caught the OFM’s attention. WOW we got to see a bear in the woods.

Now that the OFM is more mobile again maybe he can get busy running around trying to have tooooo much fun again.

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