
Down into the Holler

Adventure Location: Cullman, Alabama
Adventure Date:June 2018
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Tonight we dip into the holler below the Clarkson Bridge. The land starts to fall away immediately from the edge of the parking lot. The front porch of the dog run cabin has a short ramp for wheelchair access to the restrooms in the right hand cabin. The backside of the cabin is two story high.

From the rear porch you get a nice view of the mill pond and the water driven mill house. The stairs and wooden walkways are definitely not ADA in design. In fact very little down in the holler is wheelchair accessible. There are lots of steps and dirt sloped paths.

After we meandered for a while we came up to the mill house from the back side and captured this nice picture of the waterwheel. Notice also the small water fall coming from the mill pond we saw in the first picture. This was a nice shady place to take a short rest.

When the OFM was rested enough we climbed up to the mill pond walkway and started across it. Naturally when the OFM got to the  water flow that was creating the water fall, he had to stop and take a picture of the waterfall from the top. It made a nice picture as you can see.

From this point we had a great meander around the holler. The upstream portion of the crick had some really nice places but it was too dark for the pictures to come out well. The hill up to Sierra was a steep one but the OFM made it well. There is lots of nooks and crannies for looking into if you want to do that. Personally we were getting tired and hungry. There was the sound of lunch calling us back in Cullman. This turned out to be a nice place to visit after not having seen it in over forty years since the last time. Yep a good place for trying to have tooooo much fun chasing memories.

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