Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Original Vallarta Open Again


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 4-5-2022

Click the pic to enlarge.

It was a nice morning down at the harbor and the Teams were enjoying it. The sun was reflecting on the water but the thick fog tried to stop us from seeing much else. In this picture the horizon is just about at the top of the piling. It was a surrealistic day to start out but quickly turned very nice.

Lots of pretty flowers are popping out to be enjoyed in the area. Of the many little flowers around the place the OFM chose these to be the ones in tonight's blog. Don't be surprised if they turn up in a painting sometime.

As we meandered along the perimeter of the campground today we caught sight of these grapes getting ready to become edible. From the looks of things the crop will be a big one this year. At least we can hope it will be a big one.

One of the old restaurants in town that had to pandemic shut down is open again. We had a chicken tacos meal there tonight and it was wonderful. They like to have the food taste be more important than the amount of burn from peppers. It is named Original Vallarta on Business 35 on the way to Aransas Pass.

Something about good Mexican food makes it a great day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. That picture of the piling in the harbor? As I was scrolling up I stopped before the reflection of the sun showed up and it looked like a missile. I said to myself, "what?". Then I brought the full photo into view and smiled.
    I have to agree about flavor in Mexican food!
