Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Board Faces


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 4-18-2022

After the OFM got himself moving around this morning, we decided to give the Rockport Beach Park a try for the walking location. It turned out to be a good day for it. The pace was a fast meander since the OFM was feeling almost well from the fall of a few days ago. We got in a bit over two miles so it was successful for distance also.

The trash left over from the holiday weekend was huge. The maintenance crew was working on the cleanup. One trouble came up. The garbage collecting truck had a break down at the first cluster of trash cans. They were working on it when we came back by later.

The OFM managed to get in two flights of ramps and three sets of stairs. Both of them did strain his injured knee a bit but by tonight we think it was just the right amount of stress for them.

We even got to walk on the wooden pier again but no fishing rods were with us today. However the OFM did spot a couple of faces in the boards of the pier floor. The next picture shows both faces.

The one on the left reminded us of owl eyes looking at the old man face on the right . Of all the times we have walked over that area we should have seen them in the past but we didn't before. We liked what our imagination came up with in those boards.

Over by one of the gazebos is a bit of a garden and it had two plants in spring season mode. This first one we saw was this “palm” that was putting out new growth and we thought it was pretty neat.

Near it was another plant that has a neat leaf growth pattern of large leaves lined up on a each stem. Here is what the new growth leaves and stems look like early on.

As we passed the bird nesting area some birders were setting up to see and photograph the seagulls doing what comes naturally. Lots of good pictures come from this area in the springtime.

Resting the knees, ankles and left hip from the walk was spent getting another painting underway. It will be a larger than normal size for the OFM Art Team. As it worked out it will be about a 8x9 inch size which is odd ball size but we will enjoy it anyway.

Doing odd ball things is actually a pretty good way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Having a good imagination is a great way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the healing.

    It's about time.

  2. I think the second one looks like a morose horse.
