
Gabby and Rest


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 4-16-2022

Aches and pains precluded a long walk today so we spent the morning at the marina visiting folks. The oleanders at the marina are blooming with brown flowers. We do not recall ever seeing brown flowers like these before.

The most import meeting of the morning was Gabby. She is wonderfully nice and loves to cuddle and be fondled.

But she thinks it is her job to educate all dogs that come near that she is the top dog no matter how big you think you are. But nobody gets to walk past without her offering to be petted. She is definitely a sweet little pup. She lives in a house boat at the Marina with Tim. And they live next door to this next yacht.

That small yacht is a full camper with toilet, shower and beds for two folks. The owner uses it often but is thinking he might sell it soon since he likes to try different boats.

Due to some recovery pains in his right knee the OFM took the rest of the day off to sit and paint with water colors, gouache and colored pencils. The knee got a great day of leisure and ibuprofen. We will see tomorrow how it is doing. We are still plenty mobile but decided to be a bit careful for a change. At least the OFM was getting in some really desired art time for a change. And yep we did a really good job of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Being "careful for a change" is probably a good idea, hard to do, but a good idea. I want that little boat. Badly. Outboard motor, right? Sigh.

  2. Looks like there was still plenty going on that helped having a day of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your rest.

    It's about time.

    1. With my art efforts there is seldom an empty spot in a day.

  3. My knee is bothering me more and more too. Though I can still walk 10K a day, I really start to feel it about 13K. gonna wait till the end of the year (65 ya) and Medicare kicks in...so I don't have to pay big bucks for that knee replacement. I hope you have a little CBD lotion with that ibuprofen. It actually helps to bring the blood flow back into the knee and reduce the inflammation.
