
CFS Reward


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 4-22-2022

The first order of business today was to get over to Don and Patsy and help them get the rv into summer storage and on the way to Michigan. The Teams arrived right at 0800 and we were steady at it until they left about 1030.

We got the rig broken down and ready to move and all sorts of “help” that had not idea of how to handle a rig especially in backing showed up to get in the way. Anyway Don, Patsy and the OFM got it into the corner and settled into its new home for a few months.

D and P then finished loading the truck and got the bicycles securely strapped onto the rear of the truck. It was time for good byes and good lucks to you and away they went. We sure hope they have an easy trip back this year.

Once we got back to the Castle it was shower time and rest the bad joints AND hit up the ibuprofen.

The rest of the day until supper time was spent resting or cleaning and organizing fishing gear. We even got in some tuning of the pier rod and reel to make sure it will be a good performer in the near future. The wind was pretty rough today again but it all got taken care of and is ready to “haul'em in” when we get to fish again.

Along about 1800 it was CFS time at the Mexican food restaurant near to Tackle Town fishing gear store. The restaurant was nearly empty when we went in. Thirty minutes later it was nearly full.

Friday is Chicken Fried Steak Special day. We do not like to miss it either. The meal is not fantastic but is just right for the OFM.

The salsa for the chips is not good according to lots of the gringos we know because it is not hot enough to keep you from tasting the flavors of the salsa. The OFM likes to taste the many flavors instead of putting band aids on his tongue so we like it well.

The main dish is not really fancy but once again it is flavorful and quite adequate in quantity for the OFM Teams.

Now we have finished a very active day off with good food and excellent sweet tea that should lead us to sleep well tonight from trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. We also find that not overeating food that you can actually taste is a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. This blog made me laugh, because we feel the same way about salsa. I had a habanero margarita one time in Portland, Oregon, which was so hot, I could not even drink the margarita to salve my burned tongue! After that I was very careful about ordering anything with habanero peppers in it. That looked like a home-cooked meal, which I assume you welcome, because the troops only have one cook.

  3. Sweet tea, the national drink of Texas. I grew up here, and live here, anprefer the unsweet, but know many fanatics.
