Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


New Mandatory "Safety" Item for the Campground


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 4-4-2022

Click the pic to enlarge.

A return to the Memorial Park was a nice event. The OFM was not sure he could comfortably handle the distance after not doing any longer walks for so long. But apparently the several shorter and more brisk walks back west did the trick. We had a nice time of it and got a couple of good pictures. 

Check out this nice butterfly picture. The butterfly just sat there and posed for a good while while the OFM shot several shots. There were flowers blooming at several places but these cute dainty dime sized blooms were the winners for today. They even seemed to shine in the nice sunshine we had.

During the day we noticed a septic tank cleaning truck roaming the campground.

It turned out the owners of the campground were having the tanks cleaned out as part of the preparations for selling the campground. This effort went on until dark. It was definitely a good idea to do the chore.

The owner told me about a new item here in the park. Everyone in the park will HAVE to BUY a transmitter ($40) to be able to enter or leave the campground during dark hours. It will work like a garage door opener. The gate will not automatically open or close. You have to do that with your transmitter anytime the gate is not open. We will see how that actually works out. But it will be nice to have another piece of garbage to lay in the bin between the seats of Sierra and gather sand dust until it is sold to the highest bidder.

For the rest of the night we plan on figuring a way to have tooooo much fun tomorrow.


  1. I think the Owner meant you would leave a deposit for the remote. If all the Campgrounds had different remotes for sale there would be no room for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. NO Rick. He is making purchase of the $40 remote MANDATORY and you do not ever get your money back. How will emergency vehicles get in at night?????

  3. Hm. That is quite a pickle. For emergency services. Just expensive for everybody else. But you've done a lovely photo of a thistle/butterfly, and some pretty little blue eyed grass. Or at least I think thats what it is.
