Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Making Grey


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 4-20-2022

Another gentle morning beginning. At the walking park it was breezy and warm. So the OFM got in a bit over a mile and a half of walking at an aerobic pace but not any running. Folks were especially friendly this morning so it was a very nice walk. A couple of pictures of the park ponds were taken to use as references for water/vegetation images.

Back at the Castle the OFM worked diligently at trying to learn to blend gray watercolors. He learned a lot but still did not achieve the goal we are striving for.

The next painting has been conceived and detail sketching has begun. It will be a challenge for the OFM. We like challenging him so he will get better at this art stuff. This painting was suggested by a photo taken in the swamp alongside the Tennessee River in North Alabama a couple of years ago,

Now all we have to do is work hard at trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Hi, Barney. I took an art class in my college days when I was preparing to teach. One of the hardest assignments we were given was ro make a color wheel, and, by far, the hardest part was making gray. Good luck!

    1. Thank you. I figured it was so difficult because I am pretty dumb.

  2. There are a lot of beautiful Grey's, but they can be a challenge! Ultra blue and burnt Siena make my favorite but I struggle to get the ratios just right.
