
New Team Members


Adventure Location: Del Rio, Texas

Adventure Date: 3-22-2022

Click the pic to enlarge.

The wind was ripping this morning until about 2030 tonight and sand was getting pounded into everything including the OFM's eyes. He eventually got a scratch on his right eyeball and that has been a real trouble all day.

Of course he could not let a little thing like a scratch on his eyeball slow us down. We went and picked up two new members of the OFM Teams and also hit up Walmart for some forgotten yesterday items. It sure is nice having services ten minutes from the camp instead of at least a half hour at 65mph. Friend Rick helped the OFM break in the new team members and get them trained. Here is the two new proud team members.

The lake area has changed a bad bit since the lake is so low for so long and the area is in drought mode. We decided that over the next few days we will tour the normal lake access places and campgrounds to show what they are like now.

We are in San Pedro Campground for now. Our next preferred campground is 277 North and subject of tonight's area tour. Please the Amistad NRA website, to get the map of the area and the latest changes required by the local circumstances.

We start at the entrance to the campground. The road we are on is the previous hwy 277 roadbed that dipped into the canyon ahead. When the lake has more water the part of the old road in the canyon is under water.

We drive into the campground a short way and find that only one camper is there. When we swung by to visit he told us he had been the only camper there for a few weeks and the other 20+ campsites had been empty. He plans to leave next week to start his northward migration again.

This next picture was taken from the south end of the campground road still looking across the canyon.

At full the lake water would be right under the stop sign. This canyon has been excellent in our past for hiking, exploring old items around the area, catching black bass, white bass, big catfish, carp of all sizes. Fly fishing is popular on this lake because of all the nooks and crannies that get you out of the wind and harbor good fish. We have been told that the crappie fishing is also good but we have not experienced that in this particular canyon.

What a place for trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. That's the kind of camp chairs I like these days, comfortable, they fold up small enough and they are easy (for me) to get out of.
    Those umbrella chairs are comfortable enough, fold to a good size but they are hard (for me) to get out of.

    1. These were $30ea at Harbor Freight. They are not super rugged but fit me well.

  2. Nice chairs. Hope your arm is better. Amistad reminds me of Lake O H Ivie, which is just a bit southwest of here. It was planned to be HUGE. And it is, sometimes. But most of the time it seems to me that it is desolate looking around it and it is rarely, rarely full. Still, I do read that people are doing some fine bass fishing there this year. So perhaps you will have a good time at Amistad. Enjoy! ( I didn't fly fishing was good there. I'll have to let my fly-fishing aspiring friend know.)

  3. I only got to stop at the Visitor Center when we got to Amistad this last year. I definitely want to go back. It looks so interesting from the highway.
