
Lots of Stickers


Adventure Location: Falcon Heights, Texas

Adventure Date: 3-18-2022

Click the pic to enlarge.

We had a much nicer day of warm instead of hot temperatures. The OFM did a bit of getting ready to roll on Sunday morning over to the state park site for one night.

If anyone can identify this plant please do. The stem and leaves are covered with stiff thorns like an ordinary thistle. However internet research did not show any of the thistles to have flowers like this. This flower is shaped more like a primrose bloom.

When we went to lunch the Whataburger manager had me sit at his table and we ended up spending a very long time discussing the RV style of travel for longer trips but not full time living. There is a major difference for some folks. He and his wife are wanting to see the country in chunks but still come home for special events. They have about two years to decide and act on the decision.

Helping folks with our experiences is a wonderful way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Texas prickly poppy. Maybe.

  2. Nan nailed it. Got some in my yard right now that need removal.

    Spent a the last couple of days at MISP. Not crowded and water was beautiful blue. Until Thursday. The fish got a kick out of me and my futility but sent their best regards to you.
