
Higher Than Superman


Adventure Location: Falcon Heights, Texas

Adventure Date: 3-4-2022

Click the pic to enlarge.

The first productive thing the OFM did this morning was to take a nice walk through the park and out through the fence to the State Park road.

Then we headed up hill to the entrance to the state park and turned back and retraced our steps. The walk was surprisingly pleasant in spite of the 20 mph winds. When we got back to the Castle the OFM legs needed some rest. That hill makes a lot of difference to the OFM leg joints.

In general there is not a lot of excitement around here except to play in Falcon Lake. We decided to check out the little grocery in Roma Texas. It helps if you read Spanish when you shop there but the folks are really helpful if you ask something. They had a pretty good selection of foods and the prices were a good bit higher than Walmart another twenty miles away. We plan to do our bulk shopping at Walmart still. But the Roma store was definitely clean and decent for shopping there.

Please note we have been here 17 days without even a hint of border trouble at all. It has been a very nice area.

The OFM Teams have known Rick for about 5 years. He is camped here since late November and also has had zero troubles. But as he said while we were talking this afternoon, not much excitement around here anyway. About the biggest excitement is watching Shawnee his dog jump way up in the air to grab objects thrown for her. She jumps higher than Superman.

So there it is another easy day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. So very glad to hear you are having a pleasant time...Apart from going uphill. It does seem to make a difference. Sheesh.
