
300 Miles


Adventure Location: Del Rio, Texas

Adventure Date: 3-21-2022

Click the pic to enlarge.

After getting the rig ready to roll, we gently rolled over to the dump station to get rid of the black and gray water. The next stop has the fresh water and dump station a few miles away from the campground so we wanted to arrive with empty black and gray tanks and full fresh water tank. That gives us about ten days of easy living until dump time raises its ugly head again.

We got going down the road just before 0900 with 279 miles to go. We rolled well the whole trip even with the variable 20 plus mph winds. The whole rig performed very well for the entire 6.5 hours of travel. There is a huge amount of new road work in progress between Roma and Del Rio Texas. And yes it is needed.

We rolled into the campground in good time to find our friend Rick already there. He says he got a good bit earlier start than we did.

Here is our new back yard.

This is the same site we have been in often in the past, only this time the drought had killed off most of the vegetation. This next picture is from across the center section of the campground. The tree you see has normally been in full foliage, flowers and seeding at this time of the year. Now it is nearly totally dead.

Tomorrow is a shopping day since Del Rio is a full facility type of town including doctors in case the arm infection gets ornery again.

Tonight's sunset was not really spectacular like it sometimes is, but here it is.

Tomorrow we get busy trying to have too much fun again in this area.


  1. The spacing between camp sites looks good. One of my pet annoyances are the campgrounds that have sites so close together it feels more like a parking lot than a place to camp.

  2. Glad you had a Safe Travel Day. Looks like the perfect distance between camp sites.
    While in Del Rio you could visit MsBelinda as a way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
