
Bridge Support


Adventure Location: Del Rio, Texas

Today's Date: 3-30-2022

Click the pic to enlarge.

We got Sierra parked at the Governor's Landing parking lot and hit the trail that goes to the water under the bridge crossing Amistad. We have walked it many times in the past but today we had a special purpose.

It is a pleasant trail but with loose surface rocks and shells so care is required. It does give a nice view of the lake from high up and a great water level viewing when at the bottom. Some folks are known to swim from the shore in this area.

Here is the lake view from at the waters edge. The lake has pretty blue water nearly always. The clarity is usually at least four feet and frequently a lot more. Notice the bridge supports at the water line.

Have you ever wondered what the bridge support looked like inside? Well tonight you get to see inside one of them thanks to the OFM and his miraculous camera work and some holding his breath.

And there it is like a concrete dungeon holding up that huge bridge way up above this level. Now that is a picture you will not see very often. But the OFM brings it to you from his efforts at trying to have tooooo much fun. He he he


  1. OK. I give up. I've zoomed into your photos as much as the site will allow, and I can't figure out how you got inside there to give us a look.

    1. If you look at the picture you will see a hole in the wall of the foundation. On the wall across from the hole in the picture was another hole. I stuck the camera through that hole to take the picture.

    2. I can't even find the hole, but I believe you!!!
