
Trail Buddies


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 7-10-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

It was a busy day that required a nice long nap afterward. Grandkids can wear you out without trying. The entourage arrived in good time. After getting the carriage parked and unloaded the grands were ready for the Tour de Castle.

The Gran Toure went well and grandson was impressed and figured that he could live in an RV just fine. The OFM is not so sure he would be willing to give up all the stuff he has for that lifestyle.

Back outside we went for lunch and discussions about touring the Main Park. As we were getting up and prepping to depart a small detraction came walking by.

This nice puppy just had to have some grand kid action too. The grands spent fifteen minutes adoring the puppy and then it was time to tour the park.

We meandered around the facilities for some oooh and aaaah time. And a lot of “can we” questions, but finally we got to the parking area for the trail adventures.

The first stop was the fishing place where a creek goes under the trail. The grands got in a lot of stick throwing time while momma went nuts with fright a kid would fall in.

But it all came out well and Gavin lead (with OFM directions) us all on down the trail. The OFM showed them the small beach he rests at sometimes and then we went through the wind damaged section of the trail.

After that section we came to a spot where a blowhole had developed in the bank of the water. When a boat would go by the wake hits an underwater passage where the water is routed to an opening above the lake and squirts out in a neat stream of water. Here are the grands looking carefully at the situation.

Here is a great picture of the best of trail buddies enjoying the “hiking” as they called it.

Back at the Castle it was rest some and then time for them to head home. We are pretty sure there will be some heavy duty sleeping going on tonight. It was certainly a great day of trying to have tooooooooooooooooooooo much fun.


  1. Yeah, well, short legs + long walk = hiking. Makes sense to me. Glad the tour was a success.

  2. So glad it went well. Maybe planted a seed for Gavin for his own future castle.

    1. At least he will know now that an RV can be a good home.

  3. What beautiful children, Barney! I was SO hoping you would show us pictures. I have delighted in watching them grow. Sure does happen fast!! Thanks for making my day.

  4. They have grown so much and I am sure you have more fun with them now. Nice post Barney.

  5. That was fun. Glad everyone had a good time.

  6. Having the grands visit you appears to have made for a nice change. Glad it all worked out.

  7. Glad you had the chance to have tooooo much fun with the Grands showing them how you live.
    I read all your posts but can only comment once in aa while.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
