
Grapes and Berries


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 7/23/2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

It was too hot and humid this morning for a safe walk in the OFM's opinion so we just did not walk. Our usual dumb bell exercise was enough to create a big sweat.

So we spent a lot of time today planning and doing preliminary sketches for new paintings. A few new to us techniques were attempted and evaluated.

Grocery shopped for some fresh vegetables like squash, bell pepper and radishes. It is nice being about five miles from the store so we can keep our supply of vegetables very fresh.

An order of some replacement art supplies arrived right on the scheduled time. Now we have a full supply of colored pencils for attacking the sketches we were working on.

About 1800 after supper it seemed the temps had dropped a bunch or at least enough to take a walk. So we grabbed the camera, hat and keys and away we went. We had not walked this exact course before and it turned out to be a very nice route of about two miles. The whole route is on paved pathways so hip pain was minimized.

Along the way we got to check on the berries progress.

There are still a few and they are ripe for the picking.

A little farther along we were able to get a grapes report. There is a small crop here and there on the vines but they do not look ready to harvest.

Over all this route is a very nice route for good aerobic speeds of walking. The whole way is smooth and the slopes are gentle. There is even a couple of spots along the way where a restroom is available.

It was definitely a fine finish to a day of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Your berries are starting to look good!

  2. Smooth, gentle slopes, and restrooms, that sounds like my kind of place. But two miles is now beyond my ability. Glad you can still do that. I wish I had kept up the walking way to health.
