
Old Story


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 4-9-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

The OFM was not having a healthy wonderful day today. Maybe the super supply of allergens had him beat down a bit. So after a morning of Yuuuuccckkk he decided it was a nice enough day to get in a bit of a walk along the river on the walk/bike path.

It was definitely a great day for it and the beginning of the trail was very inviting.

The Teams made their way on along the trail with a Hello here and a Howdy over there as we passed folks also out for a walk. The OFM kept the pace gentle and had to be careful since his balance was not really good. But it was nice to be out and breathing the fresh allergy laden air.

The weather was really nice but a few parts of the trail still had water across them due to the very recent river flooding in this area. We made our way along the path with a wonderful meandering attitude. As we rounded a corner a tree came into view that reminded the OFM of an event a couple of years ago.

This poor tree and many others that line the path were knocked around by an eighteen wheeler operated by a drunk driver. The driver some how misinterpreted his GPS routing and turned from the parking lot at the beginning of the trail onto this gravel hike/bike trail and was driving his big rig to his destination in spite of banging into trees on both sides of the trail.

He made about a mile down the trail before the police stopped him.

The good news is that the trees lived through it and nobody was hurt. The large truck definitely was needing some body shop work. We never heard what happened to the driver after he was taken away by the police, but we bet it was not a fun time for him.

So we guess that is a lesson to always be on the look-out when outside because some body can always do something more foolish than we thought possible.

Who knows, when you are being careful to watch out for interesting things, you might find something for having tooooo much fun.


  1. Glad you started to feel better.
    Dodging a drunken truck driver would not be a good way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. We once bought a house not knowing that, previously, a drunk driver had mistaken the driveway for a cross street and had literally run into the house. We only found out later when we discovered a problem with an electrical outlet and with the foundation. We were able to reseal the foundation but that outlet never did work.
