
Leg Muscle Damage


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 4-13-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

We have no idea where the muscle damage came from but the left leg inner thigh muscles are acting like someone took a giant crowbar to them. The OFM can hobble along without serious pain at slow speed. So that is what he did for a nice photography outing this morning. Thank goodness the flowers were busy bursting forth so we have pictures.

As a result of the flowers bursting out, the OFM did some sketching to attempt to come up with a new painting layout. It is not finished yet. Hopefully tomorrow we will get time to finish the start of the the effort.

During the walking today we made very slow forward motion. That means for the mile and a half along the water front and soccer field we had time to take lots of pictures, none of which have we edited yet.

A little bit before supper the OFM just had to go play with his golf clubs a little. At the course we went to a back area where we tried out just pitching with all the clubs since his left leg had no interest in twisting around. We were astounded how well the pitching came back to him since he had been away from golf swing for over a year. So there is hope we may get to play golf again.

The good news is the leg trouble does not stop us from meandering. The better news is it requires the OFM to take more time when he is trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Ah geez. I really hate it when stuff hurts and you don't know why, nothing being an obvious cause. But I AM glad you were able (or willing) to get out and about anyway. And even had a go at golfing. I took a PE course in golf my first semester in college. It was at 8AM MWF. There were a few winter days I didn't make it, didn't want to walk in sleet to catch a ride to the course. But I passed. I could drive, but I was horrid at putting. Played only once since then. And you can call it "playing" for sure.

  2. P.S. My favorite part of the class was designing a golf course. I have always liked to draw.

  3. Drawing Pictures or driving Golf Balls are both great ways of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. Hi Barney! Thanks for the effort, especially when you're hurting.
    Could you need a new pair of shoes or inserts?
    Enjoy your day!
