
Big Black Bird


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 4-21-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

When we got to the stores today, they were out of every item we went to purchase. Therefore we came home still wanting a few items we will have to check on later Thursday. Monday and Thursday are the main restocking days around Decatur.

Next on the agenda was to follow up on a couple of comments by blog commentators about blood clots. On careful reading a couple of government articles on blood clots and properly diagnosing them, we found that the OFM did have one maybe symptom and none of the other ten or so symptoms talked about. We do appreciate the comments since we had never read up on blood clots before and they are very lethal if ignored. Thank you goes out to the commentators for helping us.

A lot of the cold day was spent inside coloring on some previously completed paintings. The OFM has been learning a lot so we went back to three paintings and did some serious improvements on them.

On a short cold walk this afternoon, we saw a large black bird WAY up in a tree flapping it wings like it was caught in some fishing line. We stared at it for a while and finally used the camera to take a long distance zoom of the black bird up in the top of that tree.

We were glad to find that it was actually a black plastic bag caught in the limbs of the tree.

On the same walk we passed by the planter at the entrance to the golf course. In the planter is a great example of the KABLOOM word we used in the blog a bit ago.


Tonight there is a frost warning for the area. Some folks have some vegetable gardens just coming out of the ground. They may have a set back. With a little luck this will be the last cold morning until late October.

Trying to decide if the OFM toes need a dose of Padre Island beach sand between them in May is going to be a good way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Being careful about Blood Clots is a wise thing for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. So glad about that big black bird. That he's safe not that there's a bag someone should have been more careful with caught in the tree. Today's Earth Day, people! Take care of your own trash!

  3. Gotta watch out for those darn big black plastic bag birds. I hear they are becoming quite a nuisance in some areas. Especially at this time of year when they are migrating.......
