


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 4-11-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

What a day it has been! The OFM woke this morning to just about every joint in his OLD body in pain from all the grandkid wrestling and hugging and lifting. We think we were told Gavin is 75 pounds now. No matter what, the picking up of Gavin will be a lot less than in the past. It is late evening and the OFM can finally move without a big GROAN.

He must have had a dozen naps to rest today. Looks like it is time to be more careful around those monster grandkids. And yep our ibuprofen supply will get taken care of tomorrow. It was so much fun we will do it again but without all the lifting of kids.

After lunch the OFM made himself go out on a little walk. He made about a mile and a half at a very slow pace. During that slow meander he noticed a bright flower starting the spring explosion around here. We think it is a really pretty flower.

We know from past spring times around here there will be more great flowers to photograph on the local trails. We will be ready to take action.

To allow the OFM plenty of resting time we suggested that he finish a colored pencil painting that he had put aside while catching up with visiting folks in the area. The OFM thought that sitting in a chair pushing a pencil or three would be a great recuperation occupation, and he got busy.

The good news is he is feeling a lot better than this morning and the picture got finished. So here it is for you enjoyment.

We hope you enjoy the latest painting. We certainly like creating them from things we see in nature. AND it is a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. In spite of all, you've finished up a nice painting...lovely color choices. And the header photo is very very nice! Hope tomorrow you are feeling more spry.

  2. Recuperating from playing with the Grands can be a draining task but fun none the less.
    Finishing that very nice picture looked like a great way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
