
New Toy Ordered


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 4-14-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

The pictures tonight are from the walk today and do not necessarily have anything to do with what is written.

Even with the muscle cramps in the OFM's legs we managed to get in a relatively brisk 3.2 miles of walking and flower photography this morning. It did take an hour and a half to complete the lap. However the bloom explosion has begun and the OFM tried to wear out the camera. The good part is we have lots of pictures to inspire paintings for keeping the OFM out of trouble.

Back at the campsite the OFM went to work on the painting we have started already. It turns out to be a really slow going painting. It is a 5x7 but good grief flowers take forever to paint it seems. We already have about 6 hours in the painting and it is barely started good.

The OFM has been using the ancient style of moving a picture outline to the painting paper of tracing the image outline on to tracing paper from the computer screen. Then smearing graphite on the back of the tracing. Then place the tracing paper on the painting paper and trace over the tracing paper leaving the light gray graphite on the painting paper to use for guidance when doing the painting. It is a functional system that started back in the dinosaur days but still works.

BUT today we ordered a light pad that will allow us to do a better and easier job of getting the painting outline on the painting paper. It will allow a printed copy of a picture to be taped on the screen and the painting paper to be taped on top of that. The image will be visible through the painting paper to copy or even go ahead and paint the image showing through right on the final paper. It will be wonderful and give us lots of versatility in presentation. The device is a Huion L4S and Amazon had it on sale for a short time today at half price of $28.95 plus tax but including shipping. We are due to get it next Monday. It will add a lot of ease to the art effort around here. And that will increase the trying to have tooooo much fun quantity.


  1. Half price is a prize catch. Just like a speckled trout down in Rockport.

  2. That second picture is just amazingly beautiful!

  3. The first photo of the Dogwood blossom is lovely. Our Dogwoods are just starting to bud out.

  4. Finding easier ways to make your paintings is a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe on your walks and Enjoy.

    It's about time.

  5. Light pads are awesome-you will be painting in no time. I use a grey watercolor pencil for tracing patterns and when painting your outline will disappear, which could be a good or bad thing. Your pictures are inspiring.

    1. Thank you very much for the tracing tip. I am still fighting how to trace properly to leave no trace.

  6. Oh dear! I have an image of you painting the paper on the screen and dripping paint on the keyboard. I'm sure you wouldn't actually do that but the image is now in my mind.

    1. I would not be painting on the computer screen, only on the light pad screen.
