


Adventure Location: Falcon State Park, Texas

Adventure Date: 2-26-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

Two days until rolling time with an Arctic Fox in the rear view mirror. So the OFM took it easy to help the brain healing and be ready for the road on Sunday morning.

Grocery shopping was the main effort for the day. $60 after entering the Walmart got us fixed up with food for a few days. Now we have no excuse for not doing meal preparation, right?

The Castle and Sierra each got a taste of the vacuum cleaner to lighten their loads. It looks like we will have water again tomorrow so the Castle will roll with a full water tank as well as full food pantry.

This afternoon was spent on last visits and good byes with folks. We have been in the area since January 21, 2021. Many folks have already left the area for northward camping locations. There has been a major large number of Michigan license plates in this area this year. Even the free county park is clearing out since we are seeing warm to hot days again.

Tomorrow we hope to get to continue on a water color painting we have started. With a little luck we might finish it in 2-3 months. In the mean time we will be working hard at trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I'll be heading North myself in a week or so, but only as far as Laughlin Nevada. I've still got about three months to go before I get back to Denver, and with March being the snowiest month their, leaving the desert early is not in the cards.

    Did you see the New Mexico state parks are going to open up camping for us foreigners the end of this month? That may offer some opportunities for me to head in that direction before long.


    1. I did not know about the NM change. I will check it tonight for when I leave Alabama.

  2. No use rushing as the Weather Guessers are still trying to figure out how to have tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your travels.

    It's about time.

  3. That header picture (the tree with the sun split by the trunk) is a good one, maybe one of your best! But there have been so many good ones...
