
Christmas Cacti


Adventure Location: Falcon County Park, Texas

Adventure Date: 2-10-2021

Click the picture to enlarge.

We awoke to nasty cold, drizzle rain and strong north winds. WOW the day just about has to get better. And it did. The Castle is warm and the batteries are doing OK but the solar panels are refusing to charge much with solid cloud cover and rain on them all day. Tomorrow might get interesting.

So for fun today the OFM finally finished a painting. He started the painting a few months ago with Neocolor II water soluable wax crayons. The crayons were used like pan watercolor paint. Wet the brush rub on some color. Slop it onto the paper.

But after a good while it was not coming together as he wanted it too. So the painting sat in a cabinet waiting for him to decide what to do. Well that to do became the old tried and true Prismacolor colored pencils. And yesterday became the get busy day. To our surprise things went well for a change.

It got signed today and here is Christmas Cacti for your amusement.

Even on a really nasty day we found something for trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. That kind of day, and a few others following it, are one of the things that concerns me about full timing in a van. Roof space for solar panels is limited, and storage space for batteries is also limited. The first day would be easy, the second day probably troublesome, and the third day would be running for an RV Park. I've had many bouts of three days of clouds and rain, in fact there fairly common, I don't know if a van would cut the mustard without a backup generator.

    Tom.... Living in the sunshine and soaking up the heat.

    1. When I was in the van I did use the engine just to help the batteries, driving is the best. I do know people who after 2 days of gloom in the camp area have brought out their small inverter generator to charge up the batteries. Not a bad idea at all.

  2. Nice painting. Water soluble and wax seem incompatible adjectives, but then, there are now water soluble oil paints. I've used them. Or tried to. The weather forecast here, right smack in the middle of Texas, is calling for zero or one degrees on Sunday and Monday nights. Not nice.(I'm old and have lived here forever and 5 is the lowest I've seen. Sheesh.) And no sun coming out anytime. I hope it is much much better down there. Apparently we will not get above freezing til next Thursday.
    Waaaay too long. It will be interesting. Fingers crossed to keep electricity and running water

  3. Your Christmas cactus turned out very nice!
    Sorry about your weather. We'll get the clouds but not the temperatures.
    Have a good day, Barney.

  4. Keeping your Solar Panels clean will help their ability to charge your Batteries. Clouds only slow down the charge.
    Great job on the Painting. Something you can be proud of and also a great way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the freedom.

    It's about time.
