
Fast Bird


Adventure Location: Falcon State Park, Texas

Adventure Date: 2-3-2021

Click the picture to enlarge.

During the first two mile walk this morning nothing special happened except for seeing a very fast roadrunner on one of the trails. The OFM grabbed several shots as fast as he could and here is the best of the lot. The light green circle surrounds the roadrunner in motion.

Then when we got back a new friend was ready to get in a walk so we went with him as the guide to the “interesting places” in the park. It turned out to be another two mile walk and the OFM legs were finished for the day. Herbert is a really nice fellow from Houston. He is the camper traveling with the motorcycle and tent camper which was pictured in the blog a couple of days ago.

Since we have to vacate the state park tomorrow, we headed over to the free camping next door to look around and see where we would like to set up. There are no “sites” you just grab an area and settle in for the duration.

Then we got the surprise that a very cold front is due in next week with low near freezing temperatures at night. It is nice to be in an Arctic Fox trailer for weather like that.

It has been a long time since we last boondocked for more than a couple of days at a time so this is great experience again. We have noticed several things we had forgotten about that were automatic in the past. My friend Rick is a continuous boondocker for the last few years and is at the free county park. The OFM has been digging into his helping folks box for information for the last two weeks. He has a lot of good information in that box.

So we will get moved over tomorrow morning for the start of a new adventure in trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Getting an extra walk with Herbert while making plans for your move sounds like a great way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the brief cool down.

    It's about time.

  2. It's good to have a near by place to go to.
    The Falcon free camp there has been on my list for some time, Magnolia Beach too. Maybe next year...
    Have a good move!
