
Nasty Morning


Adventure Location: Falcon County Park, Texas

Adventure Date: 2-5-2021

Click the picture to enlarge.

Well the OFM awoke to the sound of water dripping onto the solar panels on the roof of the Castle. He got a look outside just in time to see a camper leaving heading south.

That super heavy fog stayed around until nearly noon. It made the dirt of the campground a pretty nasty place to play. Sure glad we do not have a dog like many of the campers. There was a lot of sweeping dog tracked in clods back out the door this afternoon.

About noon the clouds and drizzle cleared out and it was a nice bright sunny and warm day. Whataburger did a good job for the OFM and his new friend from Houston. This is the fellow with the motorcycle and trailer camper.

There has been a downward change in the number of folks staying here. Also a serious number of rigs have been moving out at the same speed new rigs are moving in. It will be interesting to see what happens when the very cold weather hits here next Wednesday for a few days.

For anybody interested on our battery usage, when we shut down at midnight last night our battery resting voltage was down to 12.56 volts. With the overcast, fog, drizzle and partial tree shading the batteries were back to full by1000 this morning. Seems like a good solar set up to us.

Everyone do something special trying to have tooooo much fun and put it in the comments section so we all can enjoy the fun.


  1. Being "Off the Grid" and just enjoying what nature has to offer is a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. My fun adventure this morning is to sit in a puddle of sunshine safe and warm from the 20 below cold in northern Minnesota. I'll be starting crocheted dish towels and doing laundry. Nothing special ut fun all the same. :)

  3. Between taking care of and loving on my old dog, I am putting together a gift box for a relative family that just had a baby and watching the livestream of a Bailey bridge being moved across the M30 Hwy in Michagan on YT. The young man following the story has installed an HD camerafor 24/7 viewing. They had flooding last spring that washed out the dam's earthen berms which drained the lake & flooded area towns. Jordan Mowbray has many videos, even showing the breech, interviews with locals, etc. I've been watching since the flood. Don't know why. I never lived there. Interesing to see the rebuilding though. He'll be doing a time-lapse of the bridge move.

  4. I'm playing a new computer game, reading, and crocheting. Nothing exciting but keeping me busy.
