
Here Kitty


Adventure Location: Falcon State Park, Texas

Adventure Date: 2-1-2021

Click the picture to enlarge.

The OFM spent a lot of time this morning trying to find us a new home since we have to leave here on Thursday morning. It seems that lots of folks have made reservations at the state parks and other places recently. So when it was all over we decided our only choice for now is the county free camping near by.

After all that work we got in some nice walking and had a special event when we got near the HQ building.

This bobcat had a kitten with her that was about twice the size of a full grown Chihuahua puppy dog. The OFM was slow with the camera and missed the baby cat. We reported the sighting to the ranger on duty. He said that they have been sighted several times around the state park in the last few weeks. Well they are still doing quite well it appears.

This park has a no hookups area for campers that want that style. It is fairly nice and each site has a shade shelter with a picnic table. Reasonably level parking is available at each site. They are first come first served but never full-up. The rest room and showers are up a short hill to the right in the picture.

It was a nice day with gentle opportunities at trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Nice catch on the Bobcat, those critters are very shy, rare to see, and even rarer to get a picture of.

    I like that boondocking area in the picture, I could see myself staying there.


  2. What a great sighting. Congrats on the picture.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. Seeing natures creatures like that is a great way of having tooooo much fun.
    We'd be comfortable Boondocking in that park.
    Be Safe and Enjoy! your move.

    It's about time.

  4. One of the challenges of checking into a park just before a weekend is your stay time tends to end just before a weekend. I'm glad you found a good place to go. I would stay in the new one as well if I was still on the road.

  5. Your new place to stop looks pretty good to me. And free is good. Once a long time ago I saw three bob cat kittens walking down my backyard fence, just outside. Didn't see mom. But my geese all disappeared one by one. Occasionally I would find a goose, or part of it, carefully covered up with weeds and grasses so it could be finished off later. I think coyotes and feral dogs don't do that sort of thing, but I don't know. Having free-ranging poultry critters is pretty much a doomed effort way out in the boonies.
