
Using A Heat Index Chart


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 2, 2024

This morning we got out the Heat Index chart to check the conditions before we headed out for a walk. We went out the gravel trail planning on it being barely acceptable according to the Heat Index chart and it was right on the button correct. So we took it a bit easy speed wise and made about two miles and that was enough.

Most of the rest of the day was coloring the nearly finished art work. When we finished it we made photos of it to show in tonight's blog. However when we were reviewing the photos of the coloring we had taken, the choice was made to make a significant change to the coloring. The bird just did not come out right so it is do over time for that portion of the coloring. Tomorrow we will be erasing and improving the coloring. The OFM may not be a great colorist but he certainly can be conscientious about his efforts.

Our guess is that we are back to a week or so to improve the coloring to minimum standards we require for our colorings.

Then this evening we got to visit some folks we have not visited for a couple of weeks. The conversation lasted a good while until the biting bugs came out for supper off the OFM.

At least now the OFM has three ideas for full fledged paintings to attempt after the current coloring is published. That means DRAWING and coloring for a change.

Every one be careful about the the serious heat and humidity and stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Even though we are much further North, we are still feeling the effects of the heat.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
