
Area Pictures Day


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 7, 2024

How about just a few nice pics today?

Right after the walk got going this morning this egret got serious about its food catching. This was taken right before the first fish went down the hatch to the tummy. Started its day with a good breakfast.

We meandered on along the trail enjoying the coolish morning and the brilliant sunshine. When we got to this slouhg the OFM thought it needed its picture taken for all the world to enjoy and here it is.

This is where the light was coming from to make that picture so bright and pretty.

This nice gravel trail has locations along it where the water action has worn the bank away so far as to be unsafe. Here is one of those spots that was tooooo close to the edge of the high bank.

And this is where they rerouted the trail back from the high bank to the left to make the trail a lot safer.


The rest of the day was pretty ordinary except several folks changed sites this afternoon in order to get closer to friends that also stay here. That makes for some nice groups put on great parties now and then.

And it is an oddity but the OFM took a slow pleasure walk along the front entrance road and got this nice picture of the evening sky starting to form up. 

We were glad we got in that short extra walk. It was definitely a laid back day. We hope you had as nice a day as we did.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone needs an easy day, as a way of having toooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
