
Golf Fun


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 21, 2024

When we first opened the door to the Castle this morning we closed it right back and brought up the humidity and forecast on the computer. It was over 80% and very warm at a bit past 0830. The OFM bravely set out on a good walk and garbage drop off along the way. By the time we were down by Flint Creek, the OFM was lagging along and sat on a bench for a few minutes to recuperate. It was just tooooooo hot and still so we took the short cut back to the Castle and got inside the A/C to recover. We figured that we were finished with serious outdoor adventures and we were right.

We recuperated for an hour or so then inventoried our supply situation to hit up the air conditioned stores more to just have something to do active rather than sit around and color. About $40 later we were all inventoried up.

The used goods store near Walmart was one of our stopping spots. For a couple of years now the OFM has wanted a golf club to use for fun at golf course pitching greens. His bum shoulders work good enough for the practice greens but not good enough for full scale playing golf. But we thought it would be nice to piddle a bit with a golf club and ball. We found a proper pitching wedge for $7 and bought it. We had one golf ball in Sierra so we stopped at an open field near the campground to try hitting the ball a bit. Before it was over we had found seven more golf balls hidden the tall grass. So we are stocked up to go piddle at the pitching green at the golf course next door when the rains stop. The pitching green use is free so this is wonderful for having fun and saving money.

And tonight we are having waves of rain clouds come through drenching us again. All this rain gets tiresome for the Teams.

That it for today. Everyone have some fun.


  1. Looking forward to reading about your golf pitching as a way of having tooooo much fun.
    Stay Safe from the heat and Enjoy the activity.

    It's about time.
