
Cats The Stage Show


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 26, 2024

Cats the musical was the stage show the OFM grand kids acted in for a summer activity. They had about two weeks to get ready for it. We found it very interesting to watch. We got to see three performances. Grand daughter, 7 years old, was in the first production for younger performers and we all loved it.

Then we got to see two more productions for more advanced performers. The OFM's grandson,12 years old a couple of days ago, was chosen to be the lead male for both of the advanced productions. There were a few proud parents in the audience to say the least . Especially the OFM.

But of course the OFM could not be left out of the excitement. The carpeted concrete steps leaving the dimly lit auditorium and the crowd of nice helpful folks made for an exciting time for the OFM to do a face plant fall while heading up the steps. He was not seriously injured but he did leave three small smears of blood on the carpet of the steps. It was wonderful how so many folks jumped right in without hesitation to help if needed. Made me feel good to know folks will still help when needed.

Back home right at supper time led to a Burger King trip for the OFM. Then we started on the blog. We are planning on a nice restful night of relaxed sleep tonight. Then tomorrow morning we will count all the sore spots on his body.


  1. Glad you weren't hurt (except your ego, mine always is when I fall, even if there's no one around) and that you had a fine time. Cats is a fun show. Watch your step...I am finally getting better at paying attention, I hope. The mindless floating down stairs is a thing of the past.

    1. this 77th year has been a doozzy for getting old. 78 is soon here and I hope it does not speed up on the getting older

  2. These days I always go to the hand rail.

    1. I was shifting my hand to the next handrail when it happened.

    2. Bummer, I hope you're doing ok today!

  3. So sorry to hear about your fall, hope you aren't too sore today! Impressed with both your grandkids, but especially your grandson! A lead in both productions is quite the accomplishment! Cats is an all-time favorite!
